And sometimes it is discovering you can do fun new poses! I was able to get into shoulder-pressing pose during class for the first time tonight!
Ninety minutes sweating in a studio was intense. I left sore, stretched out and so much lighter. I was hooked.
The studio taught me a lot about form. Adjusting your form can make the pose.
Now thanks to my job at lululemon I am often hear about other local yoga studios and am able to try them out. I've fallen in love with Orlando Power Yoga and Guruv- two studios with hot power yoga that will push you harder than ever before!!
The new studios introduced me to poses that I had never heard of before. They'd encourage me to just try it and I was surprised when I could get into a lot of them (side crow anyone?!).
Now yoga still offers me the peaceful, refocusing retreat from the rest of my training-- but it's so much more! I'm having fun seeing what my body is capable of and setting goals.
I love yoga and can't get enough.
What does yoga mean to you? If you're participating in the 30 Day Yoga Challenge how is it going?
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