hey guys!!
So everything is crazy right now. Work is taking me all over the place so I'm in and out of town often. My last semester at the University of South Florida begins later in August. I'm also working on playing catch up with seeing my friends.
My health? Eh.
I'm in constant pain. TMJ- more on that later. Exercise is non-existent. Food is not so good. I really believe the ball is either rolling or stopped. Right now it's not moving, but I'm trying- so many things keep getting in the way! But tomorrow is a new day!
(Why do these "quick" posts get so long???)
The reason I wrote this post was to leave you with a great quote. How about we all slow down and be gentle people for a while? I know I need the reminder every once in a while.
"Make a practice to judge persons and things in the most favorable light at all times, in all circumstances." - St. Vincent de Paul
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