Running holds a special place in my heart, but there is something so calming and freeing about coasting down a road with music in my ears and air hitting my skin. I need that fill.
I packed my things together after a hearty breakfast of naner oats with peanut butter. On the way to the trail I had a Clif bar to fuel up for the ride. It's funny because although Chocolate Chip Peanut Crunch is one of my favorite flavors, my body didn't appreciate it. I've been eating so much fresh food in response to the Florida heat that a dense, rich bar just didn't taste right.
What is normal?
Yesterday I did a long run of 19 miles and then had enough energy (and a craving) for a swim and yoga. I definitely worked my body hard, but I was still ready to go for this morning's 40 mile bike ride. I worked out hard and long, but I felt amazing. My workouts made me feel strong and clear-minded.
The "bigness" of the workouts was surely out of the ordinary, but I keep asking myself, "why does it have to be?" Each person has different fitness goals and needs, so there really is no normal.
I am challenging myself to not judge my workouts by what I see as normal. Instead I will push myself and listen to my body. Yes, sometimes that will mean a long run, swim and yoga! Sometimes it will mean an extra day of rest.
Does your opinion of what is "normal" affect your workouts or fitness goals?
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