Thanks for all your comments on my Full Time Bloggin’ post! It seems you all want to see more of how I fuel as a vegan athlete- and a better commenting system! I’m switching to Wordpress so comments should be much easier soon!
This morning I woke up at 3:20 a.m. to meet Caitlin, Kelly and Sarah for the Iron Girl 15k in Clearwater- 2 hours away! It was an early morning but a ton of fun. I ate an English muffin with homemade almond butter and jam to kick off the day. I also ate a banana in the car.
There’s something so fun about women’s races. I love all the pink!!!
Despite the early start to the day, we were all smiles at the start line. It was fun because we each had our own goals for the race.
One of my Zensah compression sleeves is missing! I looked kind of silly with a naked leg!
And, we were off! The race started right by the water. Clearwater races always offer spectaculr views. My first half actually followed a similar course.
I’m not a speed demon by any degree, but this race was severely lacking in race etiquette. People were stepping all over each other and women would be running and come to a complete stop in the middle of the road. That can be so frustrating when I’m trying to get into a running groove!
The people eventually thinned out and I settled into a comfortable pace while soaking up the gorgeous views. I <3 Florida.
I didn’t see any men running. It was cute to see all the men on the sidelines cheering their women on!!!
I was thrilled to run without a Garmin or watch of any kind! I’ve been trying to break the habit of walking breaks while I run. I know I don’t need to run and in the long run I think the walking actually makes my legs hurt worse. Still, walking is a mental habit and I need to break it! I didn’t have the Garmin to tell me I’ve been running for 20 minutes (the point where I’d convince myself I need to walk). Instead I focused on my breathing and how my pace felt to me. I actually felt really good not walking. My heart felt more open and strong. Instead of watching the clock, I focused all my energy into my body. I didn’t walk for more than 10 seconds at a time the whole race!
This big bridge/hill was about 2 miles from the finish. Something came across me as we were going down it and I ran so fast and passed about 10 women. I maintained a faster pace for the rest of the race and the women I passed never caught up. I was proud of that :)
I finished with a time of 1:35:22. I want a lower 15k PR, but I’ll take this considering my 50k last week!! It was fun not knowing my time until I crossed the finish line :)
Post-race we splashed around the beach and took a break for a little photo op :) Thanks Caitlin for letting me borrow your photos :)
In the car I used my new Ice-Up. I found this in my local running store and had to get it. Your freeze a popsicle-like block of ice and transport it in a little cooler so you can give yourself an ice massage post-workout.
The whole system is easy to use and works really well. They say it’ll last as ice for 12 hours!
We were all starving after the race so we made a quick stop at a local bagel joint.
I was so happy when they said all the bagels were vegan! I ordered a cinnamon raisin with PB.
What a perfect way to end a great morning race!
Off to lululemon I go. I have a busy Saturday!
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