I'm still experimenting with bars that I can easily make at home with few ingredients that will satisfy my hunger on-the-go. I had a homemade larabar flop last week, but this week I thought I'd give an oat-based bar a try before I remake the larabars (and actually follow the directions!).
Hunger Buster Bars
I tried to find some recipes but nothing suited what I was looking for so I decided to create my own! I'll be the first to admit recipes are not my strong point, so I find my methods extremely comical. I pulled several ingredients that I thought might be in my bars and then used the number 2 for measurements. In a bowl I added:
- 2 mushed bananas
- 12 chopped dates
- 2 T ground flax
- 2 T almond butter
- 2 T protein powder
- cinnamon + vanilla
- 1 c. rolled oats
- .5 c. whole wheat pastry flour
- about .3 c. water
I mixed everything together really well, spread the mixture in a baking glass and baked at 350 for 17 minutes.
Thankfully I had the girls to help me with clean up.
The bars made the house smell delicious!!! (I cut my batch into 6 bars.)
The final product was dense and not very sweet, but I love it. It is super filling, too. The base is very oat-y and the chunks of dates and baked bananas are nice sweet surprises. If you need a sweet bar, definitely add a bit of sugar to yours or blend dates and add that to the mix. Also, maybe I should have added baking soda or baking powder? They need some work, but I think it can become a good one!
I'll experiment more next time because I'm definitely making these hunger busters again!
I feel so behind with you guys! I posted the metric century race recap yesterday, but lots of food has happened since then! Here's a bit of what I've been fueling with:
Banana Cherry Soft-Serve: process 1-2 bananas until a whipped consistency. Add 1/2 c. frozen cherries and process for 1 minute. Enjoy!!!!
I discovered how amazing dates are when dipped in almond butter. My goodness.
A reader asked me what my favorite % chocolate is. I love anything above 70%! Darker the better :)
Oh yes. By the way, I totally enjoyed my kombucha and cookie together.. as inspired by this post.
How Much Does Your Diet Affect Your Attractiveness?
There was quite a stir on Twitter tonight!
I responded to a retweet: Why? RT @SaraASR RT @sup3rmark: Nothing disappoints me more than finding out a cute girl is vegan
There were some really good responses, but most people said another's diet wouldn't affect their feelings as long as they're not pressured to change their own diet.
I follow a vegan diet, but David eats meat. He only eats organic chicken since watching Food Inc., but there's still raw dead animal in my kitchen on a regular basis.
I've been a vegetarian for almost 10 years, so I didn't eat meat even when we started dating. Almost one year ago I went vegan to ease some stomach troubles I was having (a decision that was later reinforced with knowledge of factory farms and health).
From the beginning we didn't force our diets on one another. Now I'm educating myself more every day about the power (good and bad) of certain foods. I see my family suffering from diseases that could have been prevented or better managed through diet. Knowledge is power and my knowledge keeps me from sitting back and watching David not take care of his health. As a result I definitely encourage him to include more fruits and vegetables into his diet while educating him on how great they are.
I'm also working on showing him how a meal can be complete without meat (or with less of it).
For the logistics side, we do often make our own separate meals. Right now we're so busy that we don't get to eat many meals together. When we do I usually make a vegan meal and then he might add some meat on top of that. I can't handle raw meat or actually touch any meat at all, but I don't have an issue with him cooking it near me. It's all about compromise :)

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