Today was my day off. I planned on running, getting a lot done and then racing the Corporate 5k with David and my lululemon team. But after getting to bed at 2:30 a.m., I got a later start to the day at 9:30 a.m. Then I kind of lounged around before finalllly heading out for my long run after 1:00 p.m.
I had an English muffin with almond butter and then some cereal later as an afternoon snack. In the midst of
messing around on Twitter preparing for my run I didn’t eat a real lunch! My plans were to eat lunch after the run, but running in the afternoon isn’t conducive to that.
My run was so hard. I’ve been fighting a head cold and breathing was already hard. Plus, heading out at the hottest part of a humid Florida afternoon didn’t help. I walked so much to keep from feeling sick. Then I ran out of energy because I missed lunchtime! So many things to go wrong. I had the two Clif Shots that I had stashed in my Camelbak. I ended up doing 12 miles instead of the planned 16. I’ll probably run 7 miles instead of 5 Saturday so I gain back some of the distance I lost.
I practically ran to the fridge once I got home. I had two bowls of my Sweet Shepherd’s Pie and an English muffin. I also had a bowl of unpictured cereal! I was starving! Too bad I forgot the Corporate 5k was only 2 hours away!
The Corporate 5k is a race where local companies register as teams. It’s advertised as a huge office party with free beer at the finish. It was a fun race but it was so crowded! I think a lot of people did this as an office event rather than a race. As a result the lulu’s and I spent the entire 3.1 miles navigating our way through the crowd!
Despite the hold up we crossed this finish line at 31:00. Considering I had just come off a 12 mile run, I was pretty happy. It was a fun night anyway!
Justine, a reader, spotted me and said hi after the race! How cool is that?! Hi Justine!!! (ps- Justine, email me!)
I passed my beer off to a coworker (I don’t drink), but David and I did rush home to eat. It was about 9:30 p.m. by the time we got home but I knew I needed something before bed. I snacked on some Galaxy Granola (mmmm!!!) and a naner with AB. And I may have had some chocolate :)
Does your company participate in any recreational events as a team?
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