So here on healthy ashley I am going to put the spotlight on a few of these blogs just in case you haven't yet found them yourself.
"Oh She Glows is a health, fitness, beauty, and fashion blog created for women who want to lead full, fab, happy, and healthy lives."

When trying to lose or maintain or keep up with an exercise routine weight it's easy to get caught up in the blahs. But one inspirational visit to Oh She Glows will remind you that health = happiness.
Her posts have shown me that green monsters are fun.
She encourages me to love my body.
Her Before+Afters make me want to work to look that good!

Angela was kind enough to answer a few key questions:
Ashley: What was your "It" moment that caused you to change your lifestyle to a new direction?
Angela: There was a clear turning or 'it' moment point that drove me to finally get healthy, stop binges, and give my body the proper nutrients it needed. It was when I was at the university health clinic. I was going to see the doctor about switching birth control pills. He asked me why I wanted to switch BCP’s and I said, among other reasons, that I thought this pill had made me gain weight. I was at my all time high of 147 pounds. He paused, as if thinking about how to say this delicately, and said, “Well, this pill is actually one of the least likely to cause weight gain….you know, being in university is a really easy environment to gain weight without even realizing it…there are late night study sessions, drinking….” He trailed off. I’m sure he could see the utter embarrassment on my face, the face that said, Crap, he’s right. I felt like I had let him down. I thought, he probably sighed to himself thinking, Yet another undergrad who gained the freshman 15….sigh….
That was the main turning point in my decision to get healthy. I felt I had hit rock bottom and I knew something had to change. Now that isn't to say that it was smooth sailing from then on out, but it surely served as motivation to take a step in the right direction.
Ashley: What is your motivation to maintain your healthy lifestyle?
Angela: My main motivation doesn't come from looking in the mirror (although that does help of course when you see results), but it comes from how I feel. When I eat poorly it immerses into every part of my life. My energy is low, my mood is lethargic and cranky, and my appearance doesn't have a happy glow. That is why I always say it isn't about the scale. It is truly about how you feel inside and out. When I stopped weighing myself and stopped counting calories I started to focus more on how I felt. Was I feeling tired and moody? That was possibly related to the junk food I ate the night before. Was my skin breaking out? Probably too much sugar. Generally, when I eat good, whole foods I feel my best. There is no better motivation than that!
I am currently challenging myself to 1 week SUGAR part of Crap Free Week. My main vice is sugar so I am going 1 week without it and reporting on how it changes my life. You can follow along on my blog:
I also get motivation from all my wonderful friends on Oh She Glows. Other people inspire me each and everyday to live a healthy life and to try out new foods and activities. I have learned so much since I started following other's journeys.
Ashley: If you could offer one piece of advice to those looking to lead healthier lives, what would it be?
Angela: Write down each of the following:
1) Short term goals: What you want to accomplish TODAY/ What you want to accomplish THIS WEEK/ What you want to accomplish THIS MONTH.
2) Long Term Goals: What do you want to accomplish by the end of 2009/ What do you want to accomplish in 5 years.
Be as specific and realistic as possible.
Now do the planning to make these goals happen! How will you achieve these goals?
My best advice is to start small with your goals. If you are new to running a not so great goal is 'Run a marathon next month' and a great goal is 'Run 1 mile without stopping in a month'.
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