I received some great comments and suggestions on my last post about shin splints. Check them out if you missed it!
In case you've never been graced with shin splints yourself, I'd describe the pain as more of a "broken bone" type of pain more than just "sore muscle." It hurts! All of yesterday and today I've iced my shins and kept my legs elevated. Needless to say, I also took the day off from exercise. I didn't even go out for a walk because it hurt so much! Tonight I am going to yoga. I will also try a few minutes on the bike.
I've decided I'm not ready to give up my half marathon next Sunday. I'd like to spoil my shins over the weekend, fix my form, re-introduce myself into running next week- and hopefully run the race injury free.
I know this doesn't sound smart. I'm going to listen to my body... but I also really want to run this race.
I didn't realize how big of a part of my life running had become until it was suddenly taken away from me. Some days I spend two hours running... and when I'm not running I'm thinking about my next one! I plan schedules and plan nutrition around my runs. Running makes me happy... and finishing a run makes me feel good.
And to just stop (and surrender your half) is tough!
I'll keep you posted :)
In the meantime this article has some great information, stretches and advice on shin splints!
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