I'm glad you all enjoyed the first Spotlight feature with Angela/OhSheGlows! Make sure to leave in the comments any other bloggers that you'd like to see spotlighted!
Soon there will be a mini-series on How to Get a Rockin' Body on the Cheap. Check back for that next week!
For now I'm rushing out the door. Today's crazy because I'm heading out to see Missy Higgins in concert tonight! So so so excited! I love her music and can't wait to listen to it with my David! (Since we live 2 hours apart we rarely see each other on weeknights.
In running news, I really need some encouragement right now.
In the middle of my training you'll remember I got shin splints that caused me to stop running for a while. Tuesday I was able to run for the first time in a while and I didn't experience pain. I got in 2 miles. Today I attempted to run and was plagued with shin pain. After taking the time off and being held back by these crappy obstacles, I'm not mentally in the game anymore. My run was terrible- physically and mentally. And I only got in 2 miles. I have a 13.1 mile race this Sunday that I just have to do- but I'm not sure how I'm going to get through it. If I am mentally strong I know I can pull through for this race and then take more time off after. Words of support, anyone?
ps- Here is a fun video of how to never peel a potato again.
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