Last September I set myself up for a big challenge and completed it. I trained and ran my 5K, 10K and half marathon!
Now I am setting up (or revisiting..) my next challenge: weight loss. It's really gotten out of control. I am now 9 lb.'s higher than I've been most of my life and 12 lb.'s higher than where I want to be.
I exercise and eat mostly healthy, but the weight has continually creeped up. I know where I fault: afternoon snacking, too many sweets and eating too much with David or when there's a lot of food around.
But I want to lose this weight to feel better in my own skin, run easier and fit into all my great clothes (that are currently out of commission).
Weight loss has always been like running was for me- the "it's great that others can do it, but I am just not made to do it" mentality. Well I proved that theory wrong with my half marathon, so now it's time to tackle my weight.
It makes sense that if I eat less and exercise more I will lose, but something inside me won't let that register. Something inside me says eating 5 chunks of chocolate doesn't matter anyway since I'm not going to lose.
So I'm heading into this half-blind.
Starting today I am counting calories (1,400-1,600) and eating most of my starchy breads and high-carb meals in the early part of the day without thinking too much about it or focusing on what I weigh right now.
My weigh-in this morning showed me a new, bad number, but that's only feedback. My short term goal is to get back to my normal weight (9 lb.s less than I am today). After that I would like to trim off another few pounds.
Here I go!
ps- I signed up for my next half- the Gasparilla Half Marathon March 1st! I'm going to train with a great girl I met on my last half!
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