I finished my first half-marathon!!
David and I arrived to the Clearwater Half site around 6:10am. It was freeeeeezing and I was chugging my Pepto Bismol since I still have my stomach bug. I was just so excited.
"These courses just might be the most scenic races in Florida, as well as the
most challenging, with demanding ascents over our fixed bridges."
Here is some info and pictures from the course. Unfortunately, it doesn't show the two huge bridges! But it was beautiful. You're running along beaches and there was water in sight throughout most of it. My favorite was going over that first bridge and looking over Clearwater at sunsrise!
David and his mom had quite the time while David's dad and I ran the race. They kept catching up to us throughout the race to take photos and cheer us on. It was too funny having my personal mobile cheering section! David even went out to buy me a bagel after I told him I was hungry around Mile 7!! They were GREAT sports!
After a few miles I found some wonderful runners to keep up with. Talking with them while passing many mile markers definitely kept me going faster than I might of anyway. Towards the end our little group ended up picking up the sole straglers that were about ready to give in and walk the rest of the way! Ahh, I love the instant camaraderie between runners. Age, status and history means nothing between runners- everyone seems to have this instant, friendly bond. =)
My knees were really in pain from mile 7, but other than that I felt so good! I couldn't believe it. At one point I ran over 30 (hilly) minutes at a pace of less than 11 minutes and I still felt fine. Other than the last mile, my body (and breathing!!) was very happy. The progress my body has made amazes me.
Running through that finish line I felt so good. I finished with the women I'd run most of the race with. David and his parents were waiting at the finish line with cheers, photos and "You did it!" 's!
This crazy guy ran the whole thing (way ahead of me) with flip-flops, shorts and a stick..!
I did it. I set a crazy goal and made it! Really, though, it was much more than "made it". If you would've told me 6 months ago I would run a half marathon, I would've never taken you seriously. I couldn't even run 2 miles!! Now I successfully conquered 13.1 miles. I feel so good!EVERYTHING YOU NEED
The video (and message and song!) definitely pushed me during my workout. Look at all the accomplished people in the video. It is inside them just like it is inside you. Overcome your obstacles and push yourself!
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