Stop the madness!

You see, I am fantastic when it comes to setting goals, crunching numbers, talking about it and even great when it comes to getting to the gym. But when one ounce of stress/pressure/an event comes into my life, I crumble.
I believe we program our bodies with the way we eat. I plan on doing a month of clean eating/light detox to reset my habits, but that will have to be after my picnic on Saturday. (I'm being realistic here.) But tomorrow... TOMORROW... "I'm craving this!".. "But we're all going out to eat!"... "It is my favorite food!" .. "But the container is open!"... "One bite won't hurt."... "Nobody will ever know" ..and.. "I don't have to tell the bloggers!" will not work.
100% clean tomorrow. THAT'S IT! Pressure me here, people. Tell me to cut the crap. To stand up for what I want. Tell me that I do not have to have 2 pieces of that cake just because it is there!
Detailed plan and take-no-excuses tactic to come.
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