Hello! Today was Sick Day #4 for me. Monday morning I woke up with a really tight throat and since then I’ve also gained body aches, pain in my ears, etc., etc., etc.! I’ve been pushing through it with errands and work, but I need to really take it easy tonight.
Snack was my last serving of a bag of Snacktrition Sea Salt Cashews.
I saw these and was so intrigued- they’re cashews baked with fiber and sea salt. They were good! I don’t think they tasted any different than regular cashews.
…and maybe the last of my Holey Donuts :)
Dinner was a whole wheat burrito stuffed with kidney beans, my leftover taco salad from Tijuana Flats, salsa and nutritional yeast, served with lightly-microwaved asparagus dipped in ketchup. Yummy and easy!
For dessert I enjoyed a Zbar. I’ll make some tea soon.
Guys, it’s so hard to sit here and not be able to work out. I’ve been looking forward to Saturday’s 9 mile run so much, but if I don’t do any short runs this week I won’t be ready. I haven’t had a real workout for four days and it’s driving me crazy!
Since I can’t run, here’s a question about running:
Reader Casey emailed me: “I have been trying to follow a training schedule for the past few
weeks, but still consider myself a "beginning runner." My main
question is: does it matter that much rather I do treadmill or
outside? All the "serious runners" I know seem to prefer outside, but
I find treadmill running soo much easier! I get really bored though, I
would love to enjoy running outside like I do on the treadmill, but it
just seems like a struggle. Plus, I know as soon as it gets to be
winter I will have to do the gym, b/c its gets dark here
insanely early and I can't run in the dark...I'm scared :). I don't
live in the safest neighborhood.”
My response: “I love your question because I've dealt with the same issue. In the
end you do have to do what's best for you (at least you're running!),
but here's what I know about the two:
I trained for two half marathons on a treadmill and did just fine. I
like the treadmill because I have water readily available, don't have
to wear sunscreen, can watch TV while I run, track my stats easier...
But, some people claim the treadmill is actually harder on your body.
When you run on the treadmill you don't learn how to cope with natural
elements outside. So if you're training for a race that is outdoors,
keep that in mind when training.
Running outside forces you to deal with the natural elements:
breathing with humidity, running on uneven surfaces, keeping pace on
your own. If your race is outside, you might want to have at least
part of your training in similar conditions to race day.
As I train for my marathon I've been experimenting with the two.
Running on a treadmill makes me faster because I can manually increase
my speed and maintain it for a specific amount of time. Running
outside increases my endurance because my lungs have learned how to
adapt when the breathing gets tough. Now I like to incorporate both,
but I definitely prefer outside.”
What do you think? Do you run on the treadmill or outside? Do you think it matters?
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