My senior year of college my mom bought me a new bike, and I started into a routine of biking a lot. My new found love of biking and the fact that my best friend's mom was diagnosis with MS convinced me to sign up for a MS 150 bike ride from Altoona, Pennsylvania to State College, Pennsylvania and then back to Altoona. In most MS 150s, you ride 150 miles over two days. So roughly, the ride is 75 miles a day.
The first day went pretty easy and my legs didn't get too tired until the end. Although I enjoyed day 1 of the ride, I was happy to get to my hotel room, enjoy a great dinner and relax before my 6am start the next day. The 2nd day of course was harder and the last 20 miles on the second day seemed to go on forever - my legs were killing me. Riding into the finish line, I received a metal from a woman confined to a wheelchair because of her battle with MS, and instantly I forget about my pain.

I enjoyed my first MS 150 so much that when I was dating my now husband, I convinced him to complete an MS 150 with me. We really hope to sign up for another one soon, and I highly suggest you check out the MS 150 website. There is no better way to see a part of this earth than by riding a bike. You can stop and take pictures and enjoy the landscapes in a way you may not if you were just driving by in your car.

- Healthy Lawyer Aimee
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