Did you catch tonight’s premiere of the new plus-size dating show
More to Love? I’m surely not in love with it.
“MORE TO LOVE, the new dating competition show from Mike Fleiss ("The Bachelor"), follows one regular guy's search for love among a group of real women determined to prove that love comes in all shapes and sizes. The inspirational new series is hosted by iconic supermodel Emme.
Luke Conley is a 26-year-old former college football offensive lineman who stands 6'3" and weighs over 300 pounds. He's a successful sub-contractor and real estate investor who has his sights set on building a long-lasting ...relationship.”
Sounds great, right?
First, let me say women do come in all shapes and sizes. Size is different for all people and in no way does height, weight or shape ever determine a woman’s (or a man’s) worth. Never.
So, with that, I hated this show. I felt More to Love was all about size when there is so much more to focus on. They make these women seem desperate. What bothered me most:
1. Along with the contestants’ names and occupation, their height and weight is shown. Really?? Isn’t the goal that women might NOT be judged by their weight? Is their size that important? Why list their weight on More to Love but not on the Bachelor?
2. Much of the interview segments from the women are them talking about how they’ve been so lonely and sad because of their weight and how it’s affected them. I’m sorry they feel that way but couldn’t we also focus on the positives in their lives? (One woman is a rocket scientist!)
3. When Luke welcomes the girls he basically says “I know it was hard for you to come here because of your weight.” Why is it assumed that because these women are heavy they are automatically insecure? I’d like to believe that’s not the case at all!
Degrading, degrading, degrading. Gah!
Have you seen More to Love? What do you think about the idea of the show?
Anyway… here’s what I ate!
I love the classic- 1/2 c. oats cooked with cinnamon, flax and a banana.. topped with a bit too much PB!
Then Dixie went crazy barking inside the house! Something was trying to get in!
I worked on a freelance project most of the day… Jack did all the work.

Lunch was in three parts… toast, green monster, more toast! I was hungry and busy and this fit the bill!

I was hungry today! Around 3pm I enjoyed a Pink Lady.. and a tsp of PB ;)

Then I went to the gym and ran 5.2 miles! I stopped running altogether after my last half-marathon when I was plagued by shin splints. Working my mileage back up as I prepare for my first full marathon is both challenging and exciting!
The run was awesome (5.2 mi. in 56 minutes- including warm-up and cool-down)… but I came home starving!! I knew I dinner wouldn’t be for a while so I had some blackberries, soymilk.. and another tsp of PB. I’ve never felt like I needed food so much!
Plus lots of rest, ice and elevation after a good stretch!

Dinner was hearty and healthy! TONS of spinach, broccoli and grape tomatoes sauteed in a lot of garlic and a tsp of olive oil- served with a crapload of nutritional yeast. Served with one of my trusty frozen Veganomicon black bean burgers :)
Dessert was a special treat that I’ll share tomorrow :)
Good night, friends.