This afternoon I got the great news that I have tomorrow off for Good Friday. Yipppeee!!! In honor of my night and day to catch up on a few to-do's, cook, plan a career (!) and watch my Thursday night ABC, I am posting something I wrote more than a year ago for a school assignment.
We had to do write about the biggest lesson we've learned this far in life so far. I stumbled upon mine tonight and enjoyed the reminder it offers. I hope you enjoy :)
I've never had a normal life. But who really has?
At 7-years-old I was a drama queen. At age 8 I was a big sister and my parents divorced. At the ripe age of 9, I thought I was the world's best speller. By 11 I was sure I was going to be the best lawyer out-- I could argue any case. By age 12, I began to discover who I was. At 13, I would fall down the stairs once a week! I also began my interest in boys. Year 14 was perfect. One month before my 16th birthday, my entire life fell apart. You know those horrible stories that you see on Oprah and say to yourself, "I couldn't imagine that happening to me!"… Yep, that happened to my family. My 16th year I struggled with an eating disorder. Year 17 I got my driver's license and my Jeep-- the pair was my vindication. I cried A LOT. At 18 I learned a bit about love. At age 19 I actually began discovering who I am (and accepting it). At age 19 I also learned what I have found to be unarguable:
Don't edit anything.
If we take away all of the parts that are different, or the parts that hurt, what will we have left? What will we pass onto the future? We can say "Everything happens for a reason" and "Work hard" and "Have fun," but the ability to stop editing ourselves enhances each one of these values. We have different beliefs, experiences, values and goals-- but don't let that stop you from being who you are. Be quiet, outgoing, strong-willed. Heck, even be emotional and sentimental if that's what fits.
Life’s up’s and down’s-- they all make us into who we are as individuals. We are flawed and fantastic for that. None of us will ever have it all together, so let’s run with who we are right now. And maybe we can take a step back and have a laugh. It’s a journey, and I say we enjoy it.
Don't edit anything. Even the worst times of our lives are beautiful.
Do you agree with my philosophy? How have you found this true in your own experiences?
Do you agree with my philosophy? How have you found this true in your own experiences?
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