dave hauslein
beer manager

Sure, I’m sick. But that doesn’t mean I want to swallow brightly-colored pills filled with who-knows-what. I’m determined to get better in time for Sunday’s marathon- and to do it naturally.
I tried to go to yoga this morning. That wasn’t a good idea. My body was so weak that I couldn’t even hang in ragdoll or do anything without feeling like I was going to pass out. It was rough but I’m glad I at least tried!
After yoga I headed to Ryan’s house where she prepared me an amazing smoothie and raw meal. It was to-die-for, really… but you’ll have to wait for the photos since I forgot my camera ;) The healthy food and good conversation made me feel tons better. Sometimes good friends can be like therapy… and I believe a positive attitude can change my health, too.
On the way home I stopped by Whole Foods for my own anti-sick kit.
- O.N.E. Coconut Water (hello, electrolytes!)
- Echinacea and Gypsy Cold Care Herbal Tea
- Quick Defense (I really hope this helps because it sounds amazing!)
- Lots and lots of water!!!
For good measure I also took two spoonfuls of bee pollen. I eat mine with applesauce to dull the distinct flavor of bee pollen.
The last ten miles of my last marathon were extra challenging because I severely lacked a game plan. I was unprepared for the last miles. As a result I “checked out” and walked (when I could have run). I still regret that so I am making sure this weekend’s marathon is different.
I wrote out my goal and my game plan to get there. I will run the marathon in 4:45, essentially. My main focus is to push even when I’m tried. The last miles of a marathon are a mental battle and I need to be prepared. I wrote out the below to be testament. I’ll be sure to review it plenty before the race! After all, there’s no time like the present- I am going to push hard and be proud!
I expect to blog before the race. If not, you can track me here. My full name is Ashley Sickles. Happy running!
What natural methods do you use when you’re sick?
Do you play any mind tricks for your challenging events?
I was planning a big post about running, but my insides feel more like this:
Three days before my marathon I find myself sick. It’s in my throat and ears right now and I’m going to do everything I can to make it vanish asap. I also found out some downright frightening news in the family today. I don’t want to release the details since they’re not mine to disclose, but I will say cancer sucks (not me). So, I’m feeling pretty down.
Making my marathon play list and dancing in my chair definitely helped! Here’s the list! Thanks to everyone who recommended music! This is 111 songs for about 6.7 hours of music. Hopefully I won’t need anywhere near that long! ;)
Here’s Jack aka Sexy Foot enjoying enjoying some snuggling with Sabrina aka Sausage aka #2. Apparently they’re dating now.
We hardly ever call our pets by their real names! Dixie is #1 (because she was our first dog) or Puppy. Sabrina is Sausage (she looks like a little sausage!) or #2. Jack is Sexy Foot (he always extends one back leg out) or Big Man (he’s the only boy in the house). Kitty (our 2nd cat) basically just goes by Kitty.
Good night!
What is your favorite song to workout to right now?
Mine is definitely Train’s “Hey Soul Sister”!!!
All the time people ask me about how I dealt with my shin splints. I got bad shin splints after training for my first half marathon, ran with them for my second half marathon and then took six months off running altogether. Now I run marathons and have no pain… so something’s up ;)
What are shin splints? Sports Injury Clinic says:
“The term shin splints is a name often given to any pain at the front of the lower leg. However, true shin splints symptoms occur at the front inside of the shin bone and can arise from a number of causes.
The most common cause is inflammation of the periostium of the tibia (sheath surrounding the bone). Traction forces on the periosteum from the muscles of the lower leg cause shin pain and inflammation. This has lead to the use of terms such as Medial Tibial Traction Periostitis.”
I’m going to share what helped me get over my shin splints and keep them away.
1. Zensah Compression Sleeves
If I had $1 for every time I recommended Zensah compression sleeves, I’d have a small fortune! But I tell everyone about them because they keep me running pain free. I bought my sleeves when my shins were so bad it hurt to walk. I had a half marathon the next day. Too stubborn to drop out, I was willing to try anything. I wore the sleeves for the half and finished strong. Sure, my shins still hurt, but the sleeves allowed me to actually run when even walking was painful.
I’ve worn the sleeves for every run ever since.
2. Shin-Specific Exercises
If you promise not to laugh at my little video, check this out for two exercises that help me keep my calves strong.
3. Getting Professionally Fitted for Running Shoes
You might need more support or a different shoe altogether. The fitting is free. Contact your local running store. I’m now running with Brooks Trance 9’s. Insoles might be an option too.
4. R.I.C.E.
Rest Ice Compression Elevation
Rest when necessary. Sometimes you’ll need to take a week (or a few months) off from running.
Icing is so important. I ice after every run and sometimes more when necessary. Ice for 15-20 minutes at a time to reduce swelling and blood flow to your shins. Elevate your legs so your feet are above your heart if possible.
I hope that helps! If you have any more comments, leave them in the comments or email me!
Today Katy H. and I went for a trail run! It was a blast! We were talking and laughing the whole time. I kept saying I felt like a 5-year-old running and playing in the woods. Trail running is tough because one minute you’re dodging roots and the next you’re trying to navigate through soft sand. Tough but fun!
What injuries have you dealt with? Would you add anything to my tips?
If you can't handle pain, disappointment or mind games, stop reading now. If you’re training for a big race and are still in the newlywed phase, stop reading now.
Today wasn’t just a 19 mile training run. It was an experience in running.
Twenty miles was on the plan today, my last long run before the Gasparilla Marathon next Sunday. I can be a little wimpy when it is cold outside, and, coming off a great (although unplanned) 18 mile training run last week, I decided to run this one on the treadmill.
Not the best choice. I wasn’t as mentally prepared for this run as I was for my last. When you’re having trouble getting your head into the game with 16 miles left, you know you’re in trouble. Especially when you’re stuck indoors on a treadmill with lousy TV.
At mile 6 my left inner thigh started hurting like crazy. The hem on my loose-fitting shorts stuck out and rubbed my thigh raw. I had huge welts that were sooo painful. Try concentrating on a run you’re not crazy about when every step make a sore worse.
I found Band-Aids around the gym and exposed too much skin to too many fellow gym-goers trying to keep them on. They don’t work.
At mile 14 I hit a mental wall. I was fighting self-doubt, treadmill-hate and the sore on my leg. And I was nauseas. I can’t eat while I run and it was taking a negative toll on me. Pushing myself made me want to throw up. I wanted the run to be great and it wasn’t. I pushed for another 3 miles before I couldn’t take it anymore.
For five minutes I sat in the locker room, telling myself that I can run. I can run this distance and push even when I don’t feel like it. I ran another one mile on the treadmill.
I drove home to refuel with a Clif Shot. I made it another 1.5 miles outside. I wanted to do more but couldn’t cut into the 15 minutes I had to get ready for work. Oh, didn’t I mention I was racing the clock to be at work?!
Overall I made it 19 miles. It was a physical, mental and emotional battle (as long runs often are), but I didn’t quit.
I apologize if this is seems overly sappy. Running long distances makes my emotions go a bit haywire. The night after running a long distance I like to write wordy, reflective posts about it.
Does exercise ever play games with your emotions?
A few days ago I saw Carrot Cake Oats on another Ashley’s blog. The idea sounded awesome so I immediately tried it for dinner that night. I’ve come up with my own version and I’ve made it every day since!
1 naner + applesauce + grated carrot (I used my food processor for this) + 1/2 c. oats + cinnamon +vanilla + plenty of water
x 3 minutes in the microwave
+ a dash of soy milk + a sprinkle of turbinado sugar
= heavenly vegan carrot cake oats (and an awesome way to sneak in your veggies!)
Last night I came home from the gym starving. I was hungry and wanted something carby and quick. I usually don’t keep pre-packaged ready-made items in the house, but when I saw David’s microwavable Chow Mein product I knew I had found my challenge
I left out the sauce and dried veggies and chicken. I’ll pass on the animals and sodium, thankyouverymuch. Instead I topped the dry noodles with fresh bell peppers and frozen peas and corn.
I followed the package directions, microwaving the noodles (plus my veggies!) for 5 minutes. Then I topped with hot sauce and a small amount of my own teriyaki sauce.
My dinner might not have been the healthiest, but I got a filling, veggie-filled meal with the only clean-up being a fork! I was quite proud of myself :)
My next marathon is 12 short days away. And I’m not tapering yet.
Tapering is reducing your weekly and long run mileage, resting more and eating the same 2-3 weeks before a marathon (or any race) to prepare your body for the big event. There are tons of great articles on the benefits of tapering.
I signed up for my first marathon 4 days before the race, 2 days after a 20-mile run. My taper period was short and sweet. I basically cut back on all exercising the few days prior to the race and took the day before completely off. And, for my first race of that distance, it went really well. My body was rested, strong and ready to tackle any challenge. I still remember how great I felt after the race. I was walking everywhere and felt great!
I incorporated more of a traditional taper into training for my second marathon. I ran my longest run two weeks before the race and gradually scaled back, with one medium-distance run one week before the race. On this race my body felt heavy and tired. It was like my training didn’t matter and my body was against me. After this race I felt beaten up. Every step was a painful feat for the rest of the day.
I know the experts swear we don’t lose our fitness and that a proper taper is best, but I have a feeling of what’s best for me so I’m going for it! I want this next marathon to be awesome!
I ran 18 miles last Friday. I’m running 20 miles this Friday. Then I will run two or three short distances before the Gasparilla Marathon Sunday, Feb. 28! I also back off from strength training and up my yoga practice the two weeks prior to the race.
Don’t be afraid to change the rules to better suit you. After fighting with shin splints I made my own rules for running. And you know what? My own rules helped me bust our of 5k’s and shin splints and into injury-free distance running. Experiment and do what’s best for you!
Do you taper before races? Has it helped you?
How hot is my Valentine?! Smokin’ before our dinner at Ichiban in Downtown Orlando tonight!
The last time we visited Ichiban was last Valentine’s Day. We talk about it all the time, so it was nice to finally return!
We began with tasty salads with ginger dressing. Perfect!
Their sushi is out of this world delicious. We had to share the Avocado Roll. I used about 1/2 that wasabi :)
I ordered a veggie/tofu stir-fry. I had to request them to make it without butter. It was good! The veggies were flavorful but light.
The meal came with white rice. I ate mine with some soy sauce!
It was a great date :)
This morning began with cards and gifts!
A homemade card… (I always call David my Love Bug… cheesy, I know :)
David loves yellow cake with cream cheese icing. I searched all over until Dee from Twitter was amazing enough to send me recipes for just what I needed!
Both recipes were from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. Buy it. This cake was phenomenal!
So what did my omni/anti-vegan boyfriend think of the recipe? He thinks the cake was a little “sticky,” but otherwise pretty good. I thought the cake was freaking amazing.
After over-indulging on cake we made the drive to Blue Spring State Park- which is apparently an award-winning park! I’ve been wanting to visit since I first saw it on Katy’s blog a while back.
Can you spot the manatees in the photo above?!
It was a perfect Valentine’s Day!
Was your “holiday” as centered around food as mine? What was the best thing you ate on V-day?