
It’s the weekend!!!! Holla!
This morning I ran 14 amazing miles. Part of my training includes cutting back my long runs every few weeks before I continue to progress. Last Friday I ran 18 miles and today I cut back to 14.
I’ve been trying to go all out on my shorter runs during the week and to pace myself and stay strong on the longer runs. Today was right on track- I ran a slower average per mile (about 10:50), but I finished strong!
I had a Zbar before I left and ate the half naner throughout my run. I’m experimenting with alternatives to pre-packaged things like Shot Bloks and this worked! It got pretty smushy and weird looking but it fueled me well :)
Right after I stretched and iced I had a bowl of oats that looked just like the one above. How many photos of oats can a girl really take? :-)
For lunch I baked butternut squash, asparagus and garbanzo beans. I baked the squash for an hour and toward the end added the asparagus and beans with pepper and a touch of teryaki sauce. Tasty and filling!
After lunch I had some maqui superberry juice mixed with TAZO passion tea. I’ll review it soon!
Tomorrow is Halloween!!! What are you going to be?!
Dixie and I had a blast at the dog park yesterday! I took the top two photos yesterday. Check out how much bigger she is now when compared to a similar shot I took back in June (below). She’s 9 months old now!
Today was perfect. Creamy pumpkin banana oats, a clarifying 90 min. power yoga session with Ryan, a scrumptious lunch at Infusion Tea and a big vegan cookie from Whole Foods. Perfection.
Wasn’t my lunch date gorgeous? Ryan is the best- she just lights up the room!
For lunch I went with the first meal I had at Infusion Tea- the Milton Salad and Tempeh Chili.
After lunch I stopped by Whole Foods for a vegan chocolate chip cookie. They were out so I went with a vegan everything cookie.
This cookie really had everything in it: chocolate chips, white chips, walnuts, raisins, coconut…. It was tasty, but everything might have been too much.
In the search for kombucha I enjoy, I tried a High Country Goji Berry Kombucha Tea over the last week. Today I picked up two more to try!
I love High Country kombucha!! The vinegar smell is minimal and the taste is actually pretty good. I’m going with this brand from now on.
Have you tried kombucha? What’s your favorite brand?
Wow! Thanks for your support on my big news! I’m still waiting for a call about the details (i.e. when I start work).
Mmm, hello. Wednesdays are great, right? I love them because they’re halfway to the weekend and I have swing class Wednesday nights!
For breakfast I had one three bowls of Kashi Go Lean Crunch. When it comes to sweets or cereal. Luckily I used all those carbs for fuel for a 10.7 mi. run!
Sometimes I show only close-ups of my food for this reason… I often eat at a cluttered computer desk!
Around 11am I made the bad decision to head out for a long run in the middle of the hot and humid Florida day. Let’s just say the sun wasn’t kind. I had a longer run today since I’ll be pulling back my mileage for this weekend’s long run.
Even after my run I was still pretty full from the cereal fiasco this morning! Still, I refueled with a pumpkin protein shake and granola bar.
In my shake- soy milk, canned pumpkin, a banana, brown rice protein, ice, cinnamon, vanilla, ground flax seed- and wilted spinach.
The shake was amazing before the wilted spinach. Big mistake!I’m off to enjoy my day off. I need a good shower and then I’m taking Dixie to the dog park before swing class tonight!!
I knew it would be a great day when it began with creamy pumpkin naner oats. Mmmm :)
For a mid-morning snack I had a Cascadian Farm harvest spice granola bar that I got as a sample from VegFest! It was just like the Nature Granola bars, but this one had more flavor and flax seeds! It’s quite high in sugar, but I’d eat this again.
And then I got a job! I will be doing marketing and more (personal training and some reception) for a physical therapy/ pain clinic.
I’ve been pretty quiet about my job search since I left my last marketing job because I tend to keep big things private in general. I got my personal training certification since fitness and health are my passions, but I also have a degree in PR that I actually enjoy using. While visiting gyms in the past month I knew working as a PT alone wouldn’t be right for me. I needed something more so I tried to figure out a way to merge the two. (Note: In August I began a part-time retail job to help get me by.)
After months of applying to jobs that sparked my interest- and to plenty of jobs that depressed me- I decided to post my resume online instead of just applying to specific jobs. I was soon after contacted for an interview, which led to this week. The clinic is definitely hiring me but I won’t find out the specific details until later today or tomorrow.
These past several months were some of my hardest. I went from successful and financially-secure to unemployed with no hope in the future. I’d be so anxious and worried about my future- and it affected so many other areas of my life, too. It affected how I thought of myself.
So I prayed. God then showed me that no matter how serious and desperate my problems look, he will still be in control. In the grand scheme of things, my unemployment was nothing compared to who I am or who he is in me.
I realized that, adjusted my faith and soon after got a job. Funny how things work.
Always remember every valley brings a mountain.
For lunch I brought out the grill. I had a Dr. Praeger’s burger, asparagus, yellow squash and some wilted fresh spinach with a soy ginger dressing. Now I want something sweet!
I’m not jumping up and down yet because I haven’t signed any papers, but once I do I think there should be some celebrating!!
What is your favorite thing to grill?
Happy Tuesday!
Happy weekend! How do you like our family photo? If you look closely you’ll see Kitty (who David is holding) hates her brother and sister and is growling at them! David and I were laughing so hard it was hard to take a normal-looking photo :-)
Today was VegFest!!!!!!!!
“Central Florida Veg Fest takes place in October (in honor of World Farm Animals Day) in Orlando, Florida. The themes of Veg Fest include health and wellness, vegetarian cuisine, the environment, animal welfare and rights, and community-building activism.”
VegFest wasn’t as big as we imagined, but it was still awesome! There were different sections of booths for Mind + Body, Veggie Food, Raw Food, Home and Pets. The whole event was free, pet-friendly and smoke-free. All the food served was actually vegan!
I had plenty of samples, two mini Larabars- and this vegan peanut butter brownie from Food Not Bombs. Food Not Bombs donates all their profits to feed Orlando’s homeless vegetarian and vegan meals. Now that is yummy! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!