You know that old technique of destroying a food so you are guaranteed to not eat it? I use the trick often. Want to make sure you don't eat the other half? In the trash it goes. Swear you will not eat that cookie? Spray a little bleach on it. It works.
half of my bar!
When presented with food experiences outside of my little comfort zone, I take the opportunity to shift blame. Dinner out with my family? I just have to eat a ton. Extra food at work? Even when I'm not hungry and don't like the food, I just have to eat it because it's there. David orders pizza and bread sticks for dinner? Of course my boyfriend's unhealthy habits just have to rub off on me. The day is already ruined- why not have another bowl?
This is not true. Contrary to what I want to believe, I am not helpless.
This is all a choice. My choice. I feel like crap today not because I have a lot on my plate right now. The way I feel is a result of me making huge excuses and basing my decisions off of that.
Last night I went to The Lime with some friends. They brought out chips and salsa to start. Obviously I did not need to eat a ton of them. But, I did. Because that's what you do when you're out with friends and there's free food in front of you?
No. It was my choice. It is my choice still.
Sorry guys. I needed to expose myself.