Sunday, May 18, 2008

Going Green

Women's Health put out an article on 18 Ways to Go Green. Is it just me or is Going Green everywhere lately? Everyone seems to be paying a bit more attention to how they treat the environment and use our resources. Maybe rising gas prices have something to do with it? I'm paying $3.70 a gallon- and that adds up commuting 3 hours each day and driving to Orlando every other weekend... But this new movement is a huge step in the right direction. Anyway... a few highlights from the article:
- " Cut down on your food miles Food typically travels 1,000 miles before it gets to you, and each of those miles involves the emission of CO2." Whole Foods incorporates a lot of local produce. And all of the fresh farmer's markets I've been to have lower prices than regular grocery stores.

- "Let the dishwasher work Scrape your dishes off rather than pre-rinsing before loading the dishwasher. You'll save as much as 20 gallons per full load, and your dishes will be just as clean."

One more thing to mention: The St. Petersburg Times put out an interesting article on natural medicines to common ailments such as migraines, dandruff and the common cold.

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