Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Proud Moment: Lynn

After years of bingeing and anorexia centered around my career (I'm an actress), I finally took control of my eating disorders by looking closely at my health and not the size of my pants. The extreme dieting was causing me to have frequent amenorrhea (loss of period) and the bingeing gave me high cholesterol.

I took a year off from acting to reduce the pressure of staying a certain size and I went on a low-cholesterol diet. At first I was afraid this would trigger anorexic behaviors, but the knowledge that my fertility was important prevented this from happening.

Gradually life became less about portion sizes and more about feeling good. I recently found out that I lowered my cholesterol back to "normal" and have not engaged in my disordered eating for a long long time.

Now that I'm back in the show business game, I am glad I took the time off to refocus on my health. I know nobody can take that away from me, and if they want to, I probably don't want to work with them anyways. Plus, the future of my children quite literally depends on me having a good relationship with my body.

- Lynn, The Actors Diet (www.theactorsdiet.com)
If you would like to share your proudest healthy memory, email story and photo to healthyashley dot gmail dot com.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Proud Moment: Megan

Hello there! My name is Megan, and I wanted to share my proudest healthy moment with you- crossing the finish line of my first half marathon!

I can remember back to when I was in high school and told my parents I didn’t want to exercise because I hated sweating! I started running my sophomore year of college in an attempt to lose a little bit of weight and make the journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

The first time I went out for a run I could not even make it 1 mile- I was totally out of shape and had no idea what I was getting myself into. Every day that summer I would run just a little bit farther. I remember getting so frustrated at my 3 mile plateau, but I didn’t let that stop me! By the end of the summer, I was running around Salem Lake- a 6.92 mile trail!

It was only then that I realized that I could do anything I set my mind to. I met a new friend (now my best friend, and running buddy) who encouraged me to train for a half marathon that was only 6 months away. It sounded fun, and challenging, but I wasn’t sure that I could do it. Sure enough, I did!
(Left- Me, Right- Debbie)

! It took TONS of hard work, but I am so glad that I did it! Not only did I finish, I beat my goal time of 2:10 and finished in 1:54:23!

A healthy life is a journey, not a destination! Come visit me at Meganerdruns.blogspot.com!

- Megan

If you would like to share your proudest healthy memory, email story and photo to healthyashley dot gmail dot com.


This month's selections:

1. Russian River Consecration
Batch #2

2. De Proef Signature Ale
(your choice of Tomme Arthur or
Jason Perkins collaboration, while supplies last.

There were a lot of issues with declined/expired/cancelled credit cards this month.
Please try to remember us when you change your credit card information.



Sunday, June 28, 2009


This commercial is.... well, why don't you watch it yourself.

In the box!!

Friday, June 26, 2009


We have just reserved the last bottle of the Bruery Papier, so the contest is officially over. Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks to all for continuing to follow our blog.



Proud Moment: Kimberly

My proudest healthy moment was when my then boyfriend/now husband and I
completed our first 5K race. For six years prior to the race I had battled
an eating disorder. I had finally gotten my eating disorder under control
thanks to lots of hard work and the help of a great therapist. I had adapted
a healthy approach to eating and exercising. And to celebrate my
battle...and victory...I wanted to run a 5K. There was only one problem, I
was horrible at running. Like fellow reader Val, I always had to take
walking breaks while trying to complete my mile run in gym class. I was
convinced that my 5K dream would always remain a dream.

Then I told M (that's my husband) about my desire to complete the race. Not
only did he agree to join me, but he found the Couch to 5K training plan
and for 9 weeks, he was there for every single training run. Things were
going great...the training plan was working...I had gone from unable to run
a mile to running 3 miles. But just 2 weeks prior to the race I started
experiencing severe pains in my left knee.

The severe pains worsened until I was unable to run at all. 2 x-rays and an
MRI later, I was diagnosed with severe inflammation and tendinitis. It
seemed I had over trained and would be unable to complete the race. I was
devastated. But M said that we could walk the race and even if he had to
carry me that he would help me finish.
Thankfully a few steroid shots and a knee brace took care of the
inflammation to the point that I could run. I remember sprinting to the
finish line and then turning to see M right there next to me. I felt strong,
powerful, and incredibly loved.

I have sense learned that I have lots of tendinitis in the knee and my
doctor do not recommend me to run - and while it is somewhat disappointing.
I will always have this moment in time to remember.

- Kimberly from Kim and Mikey Got Married

If you would like to share your proudest healthy memory, email story and photo to healthyashley dot gmail dot com.


Due to the demand for the Bruery's
extremely limited "Papier" 14.5% bourbon barrel aged old ale, we are
going to settle this impartially.
At the bottom of this page,
you will find a beer trivia question.
The first few people to answer the
question correctly will have a bottle
reserved for them. DO NOT post your
answer on the blog!!! Send it to:
with the heading PAPIER CONTEST, and your name and contact info. If your answer is chosen, we will contact you and let you know as soon as possible. When the contest is closed, I will post again on the blog.
Send your answers to healthyspirits.sanfrancisco@gmail.com. Again, DO NOT POST ANSWERS ON THE BLOG!!!
Good luck to everyone.


1. Old Rasputin XII (aged in bourbon barrels)
2. Bruery Tradewinds Tripel
3. Cascade Brewing Co. Kriek
4. St. Feuillen Saison (1st ever release!)

Healthy Spirits Awarded "Best of the Bay 2009" in San Francisco Magazine!



Finding the Culprint

My belly has not been happy lately. Painful cramps, uneasiness ...and a slew of fun things that we are just going to skip over ;)... I've had to resort to medicines more often than I should.

I know this is not how I was created to live life although I can't seem to pinpoint the cause of all the stomach upset. I suspect a few causes but have no proof.

So I am thinking of spending the next several weeks after I am officially moved in playing around with my diet to find the culprit.
It would go something like this:

Each week I will maintain my normal diet while eliminating one aspect. If that week is pain-free, I'll be closer to figuring out what is causing my problems. Easy enough.

I currently follow a vegetarian diet.

Week 1: Dairy

Week 2: Soy

Week 3: Added sugar

Week 4: Gluten

Week 5: Artificial sweeteners

Week 6: Processed foods

I'm open to suggestions- do you have nay ideas? Do you have any food allergies or food aversions? How did you find out about them?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Proud Moment: John

My proudest moment would have to be crossing the finish line at my first triathlon, the Greenville Sprint on 8/17/08. When I put down the cigarettes only 9 months before, I did not think I could become a triathlete. Heck, then I couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs. Nobody thought I could run a triathlon. But I joined a gym, picked up some nicotine gum, and started out doing 20 minutes on the elliptical machine. That was all I could do.

By April of 2008 I was focused and could run on the treadmill finally. The workouts had grown to about an hour. Then a car accident sidelined me for 2 months. My car was totaled, and I was unable to run for april and may while recovering medically. I came so close to picking up the smokes again it scared me. Then the wife started making fun of me for even thinking about doing a triathlon earlier, and I became determined not to let the redneck that hit me take away my race. So I started training again. Getting into the pool, small brick workouts, using the stationary bike and treadmill at the gym, even doing mini-tri’s from my parents backyard pool.

Race day came and I knew I had managed the distances separately in training. But could I really string together 400 meters in the pool, 15 miles on the bike, and a 5k run? All in one shot? I finished in 2:02:30, good enough for last place in the novice group. But when I crossed that finish line, I knew then that I had won back my health and found a new kind of happiness that keeps me racing today.

Just this month I completed my first Olympic distance triathlon (1500 m swim, 24 mile bike, 10k run) only six days before I completed my first full marathon. And now I find myself unable to walk up a flight of stairs again. But this time, it’s not from smoking.

- Carolina John from Smoke Training

If you would like to share your proudest healthy memory, email story and photo to healthyashley dot gmail dot com.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cookies with Love (and flax)

A batch of cookies made at home with love seemed the best gift for all the dads in my life this Father's Day. I was able to save money, spend time in the kitchen (which I love) and still make them smile.
I promised myself I'd try to make a "normal" recipe instead of the ultra-healthy ones they always tease me about. And I did... for the most part.
I used the basic Toll House recipe doubled. I omitted one stick of butter, added some ground flax and applesauce. And for some extra staying power, half the flour was whole wheat.
My chocolates of choice were one Toll House and one Ghiradelli. Oh, and several tablespoons of raw cacao nibs for extra antioxidants. The cacao nibs added a bit of nuttiness and crunch to this delicious cookie.
The cookies were well-received. Delicious as they were, next time I'd make a some changes. I think less flour would make them perfect.

me and Grandpa

What is your favorite healthy cookie recipe? Do you healthify your baked goods recipes?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Proud Moment: Stacey

Hi Healthy Ashley readers!

My name is Stacey and I'd like to share my proudest moment with you all!

When I was just out of high school I became so obsessed with my
weight. I would constantly pinch and pull at the pudge that I thought
exsisted around my stomach..sometimes without even noticing I was
doing so. I put myself on a very restrictive diet: no desserts,
nothing but water to drink, no snacking, no eating past 7...well, you
get the point :)

This, of course, only resulted in my binge-eating three days later. I
ate everything that I had restricted myself from and after going
through this redundant eating habit for six months, I decided that I
didn't want eat or live that way anymore! I went into nutrition
program at school (graduate in one more year!!), I started viewing
exercise as something that should be enjoyable. SELF magazine became
my bible and I slowly learned how to eat healthier and still allow
myself a treat.
Living life is about allowing yourself a break every once in a while,
enjoying that second piece of cake or even conquering a mountain on a
bike ride with your honey (as seen in the photo above!) :) Learning
now to beat myself up about everything that I was eating, and just
trusting myself and my lifestyle to guide me the right way is my
proudest moment.

I have never been happier or more healthy!!

- Stacey from I'd Rather Be Running

If you would like to share your proudest healthy memory, email story and photo to healthyashley dot gmail dot com.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Proud Moment: Toronto Girl Out West

My all time proud moment came at the end of my very first race (the Times
Colonist 10K in Victoria, Canada).

Every step of those 10 kilometers meant something to me. It meant that after
being obese I managed to turn my life around. It meant that I stuck with my
workouts even when I thought I would keel over and die. It meant that I was
strong. It meant that I had finally realized that I was worth it.

On that day I took in the beautiful Ocean views, the sounds of the crowds,
and the feeling of just doing it!

My trainer and his girlfriend were proud that day. My parents were proud. My
fiance (then boyfriend) was proud that day. My friends were proud. But most
of all - I was proud.

- Toronto Girl Out West

If you would like to share your proudest healthy memory, email story and photo to healthyashley dot gmail dot com.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Proud Moment: Val

For SURE my healthiest moment was the day I ran my first full marathon!! A
marathon is a big accomplishment for anyone, but I am especially proud of
myself because of how far I came. Growing up I absolutely loathed exercise
and running in particular - in gym class when we were asked to run a mile
for the President's Physical Fitness Challenge, I was never able to do it
without walking.

So, to me completing the marathon signified how far I have come in terms of
my own abilities and self-confidence. I now believe I can do anything I
put my mind to, and the marathon is proof!! I am now training for my third
marathon, and I also coach a Girls on the Run team which gets young girls
excited about running while also boosting their self-esteem. (It's an
awesome program!!)

- Marathon Val

If you would like to share your proudest healthy memory, email story and photo to healthyashley dot gmail dot com.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Keep Your Head High

David and me in 2006 shortly after we began dating.

The old saying when it rains it pours couldn't be more true. I sat here tonight feeling stuck in a hurricane.

Parts of my circumstances are from my own decisions but most have just surprised me. Next week I leave my comfy job, city, family and friends to move to a new city and new home. That brings quite an emotional toll. Meanwhile every expense under the sun seems to pop up right now. I am a bit shaky.

But this email forward really changed my thinking. Normally I skip over these but for some reason I chose to stop for this one. I am glad I did and hope you do, too.

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me... It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone...

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first pay check.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words "In five years, will this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time - time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come.

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

- Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio
Sure, circumstances might cause me to lose all of my savings. My car might break down ten more times. I might feel a bit lonely in my new home. I might be scared and cry a little just because.

But life is life and life IS good. I will never regret being happy.

The struggles I am dealing with now really do not make me.
It's like God is taking this whole situation, refocusing my thinking and reminding me I have to lean on Him. Okay- I'm listening!
Do any of these resonate with you? What motto has helped pull you through certain struggles?

New Stuff and Whatnot

1. Grand Teton Bitch Creek ESB.

2. North Coast Old Stock 2009 (I still have some 2008)

3. Marin Dipsea Barleywine

4. Monk's Cafe Sour Ale 750ml

5. Ballast Point Sea Monster Stout

6. Big Sky Summer Honey

7. Coney Island Albino Python

8.He'Brew Rejewvenator

9. He'Brew Bittersweet Lenny Rye IPA

10. Coney Island Human Blockhead

11. Jever Pils



Friday, June 19, 2009

Proud Moment: Mia

It has almost been a year and a half since I moved to Japan. One of the things I really wanted to do here (aside from eating yummy Japanese food :P) was to climb Mt. Fuji. So one weekend last summer, we decided on climbing Japan's highest mountain (3,776 meters). Our group of four started our hike at around 7pm after we had dinner and shared bites of this yummy Mt. Fuji-shaped pastry.

{Mountain of Yum}

We hiked at a steady pace all night. Although the climb was generally manageable, the cold temperature added a bit of challenge for me. Night climb is popular during the summer months because it offers climbers a view of the famed Mt. Fuji sunrise at the peak. People would position themselves as they pleased and marveled as the sun glowed brighter.

{Watching Sunrise}

The peak was very crowded with climbers from around the world and all over Japan. There were families, friends, couples, tour groups, and solo climbers. The toddlers and the older climbers were the ones I was really impressed with. Aside from the usual souveneir and ramen shops, there were also vending machines and a post office (where one can mail a special Mt. Fuji postcard) at the peak! After resting a while and grabing a bite, we started with our descent. The view going down was unbelievable; the clouds were below us!

{Oh Happy Clouds!}

It was an amazing once in a lifetime experience, one where my mental and physical strength was tested. I am sure that with regular training and patience, running will also turn out to be as awesome. Is there anything you would like to experience at least once? Given the chance, I would not think twice about trying bungee jumping. Also, a hot air balloon ride would probably be the closest thing to taking a walk in the clouds. :P


- Mia {runs and rests}

Mia, you literally climbed a mountain! Incredible! If you would like to share your proudest healthy memory, email story and photo to healthyashley dot gmail dot com.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Proud Moment: Michelle

This is my proudest healthy moment. Competing in a 10km race. It's the longest I had ever ran. I finished in 58 minutes. I had lost 120lbs and each 1km was 12 pounds that I lost. When I crossed the 1/2 way line I almost started bawling due to how proud I was for running, how much weight I had 'lost' and for doing something I thought that I would never ever do.

It was awesome. I cried after I completed the race, it meant a lot to me. Just talking about it means a lot to me.

- Michelle from Confessions of a Reformed Eater

Thanks Michelle for sharing your proudest healthy memory!! If you would like to share yours, email story and photo to healthyashley dot gmail dot com.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yay Guest Bloggers!

First, congratulations to Carolina John for finishing his first marathon!!!

I'm just itching to know about everyone's most favorite healthy experience and I am asking for you to share yours as a guest post. Guest posts are awesome for introducing great bloggers to amazing readers and to share fun stories!

What is your favorite healthy experience? Did you kick butt in a race? Did your healthy habits inspire a friend for the better? Maybe it was good news from a doctor after you changed your habits?

We are all different and bring along different healthy stories we are most proud of. Please share yours!

Please send your proud moment (with photos and a link to your blog, if applicable) to healthyashley at gmail dot com and I will post it for all to see!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Guest Post: Using Vinegar as a Household Cleaner

Hi Healthy Ashley readers! My name is Andrea and my lil blog is called Off Her Cork where I write about food, running, and daily life. Ashley put out the call on Twitter asking about all natural cleaners. I mentioned that I clean with vinegar and she asked me to do a guest post, so here I am!

Vinegar is a great resource for all kinds of things! I started using it as a household cleaner several years ago when I realized that what I had been using to keep my home pretty and "clean" actually wasn't healthy for my family. The cleaners are made up of a lot of harsh chemicals that are toxic and not environmentally friendly. That didn't sit well with me and I started researching other options. What I found was that vinegar is a natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and it can be used in many different ways. If you Google cleaning uses for vinegar so many sites and resources come up you could easily spend all day reading.

I stopped using the other cleaners cold turkey and switched right over to vinegar. I pour a little bit in my cleaning bucket (probably around a cup) and combine it with hot water, then I go through and give my house a good scrub down with a cleaning cloth. This includes appliances, counter tops, sinks, and toilets. Basically everything in my house gets cleaned with vinegar.

Vinegar and water will clean up your stainless steel appliances and make them all shiny again.

I add vinegar and a little bit of baking soda to the toilets and let sit for about 15 minutes. Then I scrub them with a regular toilet brush and flush. They are clean without having to use toxic chemicals.
I use about 1/4-1/3C of vinegar plus lots of hot water to mop my floors. This includes hardwood flooring. Vinegar is great for floors because not only does it clean well but if you've got pets or little ones running around, if they touch the wet floor and then lick their paws or suck their thumb there is no risk of them ingesting a harmful chemical. It's just vinegar. It might not taste pleasant but I'll take that over toxic chemicals any day.

I use vinegar instead of liquid fabric softener when I do laundry. Liquid fabric softener is just another chemical and really isn't needed at all for clothes. Since I have a dog, his blankets and bedding (along with ours because he likes our bed!) can get lots of hair and smell on them, vinegar neutralizes this. I also use it for all my workout clothes. Not only does it neutralize stinky sweat odor but it helps remove the sweat stains as well.

The most common question I get asked is, "What about the smell?" Well it's vinegar, so it's going to smell like vinegar. However, you aren't using that much and the smell dissipates quickly, so it's not a big deal. My question is; would you rather smell vinegar or a fake pine scent created in a lab so it covers up the harsh and toxic chemicals you're coating your house with?

If you don't think you could trust straight vinegar or maybe aren't ready to take that step yet, Method is a great company that makes all natural household cleaners. I use their hand soap, dish soap, and dish washer pellets with great success. They can be purchased at Target and most stores that have an all-natural cleaning section.

I hope you found this article useful! Thanks Ashley for allowing me to guest post on your blog!


Thanks for the great info and tips, Andrea!!

Do you use clean & green cleaners for your home? What are your favorite mixtures/products?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

How to Fuel in a Pinch

Wow! I love all of your responses to my plea for healthy, quick and simple meals to get me through my busy, "homeless" month!

First, here is a photo from Friday's Picnic Island Adventure Race. I did this race last month and had a great time, but this month's was less than stellar. (The same race is held every May, June and July here in Tampa.) The water was closed due to bacteria levels so instead of all the fun muck, we just ran on sand and grass. It was challenging but way too anti-climatic.


Now, here are some of your awesome suggestions. The list is long, but your ideas are great!

I think Emily's comment takes the cake!:
"-I like to literally just boil some sort of grain(brown rice, quinoa, barley, orzo, pasta etc.) and then add a protein (beans, lentils, chopped up veggie burger, canned tuna/salmon if you eat seafood) veggies and herbs/spices and some oil.
-Or wraps are great with hummus, avocado, veggies, and I like litelife soy cold-cuts.
-Or add pasta sauce, beans/Morningstar "meal-starters" (like crumbled soy that looks like ground beef)or crumbled veggie burger and add pasta.
-Or do breakfast for dinner: omelet, soy breakfast sausage, kashi waffles, etc.
-Smoothies are good too: protein powder, fruit, spinach etc..
-Canned soup?
-Quesadillas: corn tortilla, black beans, cheese, jalapenos
-BLT: Rye bread, laughing cow cheese wedge, tomato, fake bacon strips.
-Corn/bean salad: cilantro, evoo, corn, black beans, onions
-Make some pesto quickly in a cuisinart (basil, evoo, pinenuts) and add pasta...
-taco salads: beans, guacamole, tortilla chips, salad, salsa.
-I'm not sure if you eat fish but bagels with smoked salmon and laughing cow with capers & lemon.
-Falafel in pitas with greek yogurt and cucumbers
-poached eggs on toast"
Emily, with a list like that you need a blog!

Diana's Goddess Fried Rice
Michelle's Skinny Hummus

Elise: "cut up tons of veggies and tuperware them separately before each week starts."

Sagan: "Something I've recently begun making and adore for the fuel is to cook up some lentils, brown rice, and boil/steam edemame, and mix it all together. It's tasty, protein-packed, has lots of fiber, is vegetarian, and you can make a large quantity of it at the beginning of the week and take a portioned container of it to wherever you need to go everyday!"

Janet: "Let's see... one of my fave meals either for breakfast or dinner is oat bran topped with a little butter, sea salt and a poached egg. With a side of some kind of sauteed veggies, of course!"

Hallie: "I love wraps...I buy a whole-wheat tortilla with only a few ingredients (none of those low-carb ones with all that scary stuff!) and cram it with veggies, hummus, avocado, ets. Wrap in foil (not eco-friendly, boo) and peel away at the foil as you eat to keep it together."

TravelEatLove: "a big curry or veggie chili one night and freeze individual portions."
Melissa: "I like making a batch of grains (quinoa, barley, etc) on the weekend and then I can just throw things into it to make a dish. Apples, carrots, bananas, etc. will all keep for a long time. I try to make sure all my meals include a high protein item, a whole grain (or whole grain bread), a healthy fat (avocado, nuts, olives), and a fruit and veggie.

-Greek Quinoa Salad - ~2 cups cooked quinoa, 1 can chickpeas, FF feta, 1 cucumber, 1 red pepper, kalmata olives, 1/2-1 red onion, and a little olive oil. This can make enough for the whole week. Then you can eat it alone, on a salad, in a wrap, etc.

- Sweet and Spicy Breakfast Hash with Tofu

-...Egg white scrambles with a bag of frozen pepper/onion mix, spinach, cheese, black beans - or any other mix in you like. Top with avocado."

Julie: "a big huge freaking salad and that way when you come home you just take it out and eat!"
Rebeca: "B-fast: Oatmeal with fruit...AM Snack: Almonds+Dried Fruit (homemade trail mix?)...
Lunch: WW Pita Pocket w. fresh veg and a chopped cheese stick (like Horizon brand) in there for protein or an LC wedge...PM Snack: Hummus and veg....Dinner: WW Pasta salad.

Maggie: "Oat bran is my go-to quick meal. Works for breakfast, dinner, or lunch. I always do a green (spinach) variation. Usually just oat bran, peanut butter, and spinach.

...I do steamed kabocha squash ALLLLLLL the freakin time. That is so simple. You just chop up the squash and steam it for 5-7 minutes. You can do that ahead of time and eat it cold or microwave it.

Burp and Slurp: "What about making huge batches of a soup base and freezing it? Then you can take out individual portions, dump it into the pot, toss in any ingredients avaibale, and have different kind of soup every night with some good crusty bread."
ChickPea: "Tofu salads! Just mash up some tofu with either vegan mayo or Greek yogurt, nuts, dried fruit, or maybe some veggies & spices--bam! You've got a meal."

Trish: "Ezekial bread French toast - dip slices into milk of your choice (just mix in a little cinnamon no other ingredients needed) and then pop into the pan for a few minutes. I top with agave. Easy! "

Like I said: WOW! This is definitely a great list for anyone looking for healthy and quick meals or just looking for healthy meal ideas in general! Many of these ideas only include a few ingredients and all sound yummy. As I read through your comments I was reminded of many of my favorite meals. I think the shock and lack of sleep of my current situation made me feel like I was not able to nourish my body properly...but I think your comments all assured me I can eat healthy when on the go!

Friday, June 12, 2009

When Nourishing Food Matters Most

Preparing fresh meals in my own kitchen at my own convenience is obviously something I was taking for granted.

In the past week I've been all over central Florida but haven't slept in my own bed or had a meal in my apartment at all. With commuting, my new puppy, house-sitting and changing apartments, my exercise has been non-existent and my meals processed and un-balanced.

House sitting at my dad's last week I had cereal for dinner almost every night in between errands and walking the dogs. That particular "fuel" did my body no favors with my hectic schedule.

And I am feeling UGH!

David and I just signed the lease on an amazing house in Orlando. We move in this weekend, but since my lease doesn't expire until next month and I am still committed to working in Tampa, there will be a lot of commuting, late nights, early mornings and meals consisting of whatever is available.

It is going to be one crazy month!

So, here's where your brilliant minds come in!

What meal ideas can you suggest that are:

- quick

- minimally processed

- vegetarian

- simple

- very few ingredients

- fresh

- balanced


Please leave your suggestions in the comments. I'll do another post of everyone's ideas!

I am going to portion oatmeal into individual bags and keep those in my purse. Other than that, I'm flat out of ideas!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Stuff from Port Brewing

1. Wipe-Out IPA is back!!!
2. Hot Rocks Lager
3. 3rd Anniversary Ale
good stuff.

Cup of HFCS

Here are a few more photos of my little Dixie.
Turns out the vet is certain she has Great Dane in her. Hello, big puppy!

She's such a lover.
Notice the donut toy :) It's her favorite!

I've been blog-quiet since I am watching my dad's boxer Sabrina along with Dixie. I feel like all I do is feed and walk them! It's tiring.. but the best job ever!
Moving on.. :-)

WTF? Do we really need high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup in apple sauce!? Not good, Musselman's. I passed this up and had a real apple instead.
Do you ever say WTF to hidden crappy ingredients in your food?

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